Community Meeting, Tuesday 28th March, 7.30pm, Rawdon Library

Residents of Guiseley, Rawdon & Yeadon are invited to come to Aireborough Civic Society’s next Community Meeting to discuss and help plan how the community can make our area a better place to live.

Hear what Aireborough Civic Society has achieved.
Help plan our campaigns for 2023.

The Civic Society consists of volunteers who want to make a positive difference to our environment.

Come along to our meeting on 28th March to Rawdon Library, find out what we do and bring your own ideas and concerns. We hope to have a Leeds City Councillor attending our meeting to update members and give advice.

There is much to do – we are concerned about:
Protecting our Green Belt – a new Core Strategy is being consulted on now!
Our Conservation Areas & Heritage buildings – & their protection,
Congestion on local roads, disruption from road works and parking problems,
Litter spoiling our community
Improving local shopping areas
Planting flowers to make our centres more attractive
Improving Local Bus Services,
Planning matters: – what is happening and suggesting improvements?
Any other local matters.

At this time of the year LITTER seems to be a big problem and we plan to have a CLEAN UP morning early in April. Please let us know of any parts of Aireborough that would benefit: e-mail: [email protected]. Harrogate Road (A658) near the airport seems bad at the moment.

The Society works with Aireborough Neighbourhood Forum and
is part of the national organisation, Civic Voice. ACS is also affiliated to Leeds Civic Trust & the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).