Our last talk is a return visit by Malcolm Johnson who last year entertained us with his “Children’s Favourites” talk. This time it is the fascinating story behind the iconic Beatles album “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band”. The story includes the music from the record and is extremely entertaining – (I have seen the talk before).
Civic Society Talk on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at Rawdon Community Library, 7.30pm
‘Stand & Deliver’ –
ERIC JACKSON JP Retired Magistrate & Local Historiantells the story of ‘Gentlemen of the Road’ from Dick Turpin, who is probably the most famous of all highwaymen. His grave can be seen in the churchyard of St. Denys and St. George in York. Also, Claude Duval, a French Highwayman, hanged at Tyburn.
Why did they do it?
How were they captured & how were they punished?
Gentlemen of the road or thugs and thieves?‘It should be an interesting evening with plenty of excitement!’
Aireborough Civic Society is pleased to welcome, Neil Hanson to speak at its next meeting on Tuesday 30 April, 2024, 7.30pm at Rawdon Community Library.
Join Neil Hanson as he gives a hilarious account of his life at the Inn at the Top in the Yorkshire Dales as a young, completely inexperienced & incompetent landlord & the amusing & eccentric characters he had to deal with.
The 17th Century Tan Hill Inn in North Yorkshire is Britain’s highest pub, which regularly gets snowed in at its isolated location in the Yorkshire Dales, is up for sale.
The pub, 1,732 feet (528m) above sea level, was named the highest in the British Isles in the 1976 of the Guinness Book of World Records.
The listed inn has exposed beams and stone-flagged floors and is about five miles from the village of Keld in Swaledale.
Admission:ACS MembersFREENon-ACS Members£4.00
This is the second of 5 Civic Society talks organised for 2024, alternating with 5 community meetings.
£10 membership for 2024 includes free admission for all five talks – join on the night.
For your diaries:
Aireborough Civic Society Talks Programme for 2024
Tuesday30 April
My Life at Inn at the TopNeil Hanson tells us about his experiences as landlord of the highest inn in Yorkshire
Tuesday28 May
Community Meeting (all welcome)*
Tuesday25 June
Transport in AireboroughBill Jagger talks about transport in Aireborough through the Ages
Tuesday30 July
Community Meeting (all welcome)*
Please note there is no meeting in August
Tuesday24 September
Stand & Deliver!Eric Jackson, retired magistrate & local historian, tells the story of ‘Gentlemen of the Road’ from Dick Turpin to Claude Duval
Tuesday29 October
Community Meeting (all welcome)*
Tuesday26 November
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts ClubMalcolm Johnson plays extracts from the best-selling album of all time telling the stories behind the lyrics