Guided Walks 2018 Programme


The Friday evening walks were started in 1993 by the late Albert Shutt, then Chairman of the Aireborough Civic Society. His plan was to explore the Aireborough area, visiting places even local residents hadn’t been to, and ensuring footpaths were kept in use.


“Surprise Surprise”

Friday 27th  July


Meet at Chevin Surprise Car Park.  Further details below.

Unless stated the walks are normally between 3 and 4 miles in length. The pace is as fast as the slowest walker.

As the walks cover a variety of terrain, sturdy footwear is strongly advised, along with weatherproof clothing.  Most of the walks involve gradients, hills and stiles.

If you have any questions about a particular walk please contact the walk leader at the telephone number given.

The traditional end of season meal will be held on Friday 7th December 2018 at Rawdon Golf Club.  A meal will also be held in February 2019 when the walks programme for 2019 will be arranged.


The Aireborough Civic Society was established for the public benefit for the following purposes in the area formally known as Aireborough, which includes the wards of Guiseley, Rawdon and Yeadon in the Metropolitan District of Leeds.

  1. To promote high standards of planning and architecture in the area
  2. To educate the public in geography, history and natural history and architecture in the area.
  3. To secure the preservation, development and improvement of features of historic or public interest in the area.

The Society’s website includes contact details, forthcoming events and information about the area.

Aireborough Civic Society holds its meetings on the last Thursday of the month at

7:30pm at Rawdon Community Library, Micklefield Park, Rawdon.

Everyone is welcome.

Aireborough Civic Society Walks List – 2018

Please note:-  All walks will commence promptly at the times noted. Also please make sure that you bring protective outdoor clothing with you on all walks. Walkers who are not members of the Civic Society will be asked to contribute £2 for ACS funds.

Date and time Details Leader(s)
Friday 20st April


“Two Pubs & a Sewage Works”

Meet at George and Dragon PH side of River Aire, Apperley Bridge

Bill Mason

Tel: 01943 872 714

Friday 4th May


“The Burger Walk”

Meet at McDonald’s,  on retail park Guiseley

Angela, Colleen and Tyler

Tel 0113 250 7594 (Angela)

Friday 18th May



Meet Hawkesworth Lane / Thorpe Lane junction

Ken Elliott

Tel: 0113 31899850

Friday 1st June


“Chuffin Old Railway”

Meet Station Gardens car park on Linton Road, Wetherby

Sue and Roy Dixon

Tel 0113 250 6858

Friday 15th June


Lindley Wood

Meet at Lindley Bridge, nr trout farm

Bill Mason

Tel: 01943 872 714

Friday 29th  June 


“Chapel, Banks and Possible Surprise”

Meet at Yeadon Methodist Church Car Park, South View Road

Eric Nelson

01943 875643

Friday 13th July


“Mike’s alternative Umbrella Walk!!!”

Meet on Mansion Lane, Roundhay

Michael Appleyard

0113 250 3169

Friday 27th  July


“Surprise Surprise”

Meet at Chevin Surprise Car Park

Angela, Colleen and Tyler

Tel 0113 250 7594 (Angela)

Friday 10th August


“Cats and Dogs”

Meet at Burley Railway Station

Jack Schofield

Tel 01943 875 304

Friday 24th August


“Three Parks”

Meet Tarnfield Car Park, ie near yachts Yeadon

Sue and Roy Dixon

Tel 0113 250 6858

Aireborough Civic Society Celebrates 50 years of Conservation Areas with:

Little London, Rawdon in 1906 : Ordnance Survey Map

A Guided Walk Around the Nether Yeadon & Little London (Rawdon) Conservation Areas led by Andy Graham, Urban Designer and former Conservation Officer for Leeds City Council

Aireborough has eight Conservation Areas.   Find out what makes 2 of them special and how our heritage is protected from unsuitable change. We are fortunate in having a wonderful variety of historic buildings in many separate settlements combined with beautiful Pennine countryside.   Our Conservation Areas are there to protect and improve these places for the future.   


£3  – goes towards the Aireborough Civic Society fund for new Blue Plaques.


To book your place and find out the starting place, please telephone 0113 2503580

About Aireborough Conservation Areas

Aireborough has eight Conservation Areas.   Find out what makes 2 of them special on Civic Day, 17th June, this year with the Aireborough Civic Society Civic Day Guided Walk around Nether Yeadon & Little London. It is remarkable that these 2 areas of character are so near each other, but so very different.  It is our responsibility to protect this heritage from unsuitable change.

Find out how Conservation Areas give limited protection. It is 50 years since the government recognised the importance of ‘areas of special character’ and the need to protect them. Conservation Areas were introduced in 1967. Before that anyone owning a building in these areas could demolish it at whim, irrespective of its attractiveness and history.

This part of Leeds is fortunate in having a wonderful variety of historic buildings in many separate settlements combined with beautiful Pennine countryside. Aireborough has eight Conservation Areas.  Nether Yeadon is hidden away and still surprisingly rural, and Little London is a close knit community of former weavers’ cottages.

More information about Nether Yeadon

Nether Yeadon is a rare survivor of pre-industrial Aireborough.  It has excellent examples of early Yeomen’s houses and agricultural buildings, 10 of them grade II listed, all set within an historic, agricultural landscape setting.  Of particular note is Low Hall, which has remnants of Esholt Priory in its fabric.  These types of buildings do survive in other areas in Aireborough, but their all important surroundings have gone,  many swallowed up by recent housing developments.

Clive Woods, Chairman of Aireborough Civic Society said, ‘We are very pleased that Leeds has recognised the distinctiveness of Aireborough by increasing the size and number of our Conservation Areas.     It helps our communities to keep the best of our heritage and should mean that our Green Belt has greater protection.     New buildings should be of high quality.   However even with Conservation Area protection we still have to persuade planners and developers that some less obvious Heritage buildings should be converted and not demolished, in particular our industrial heritage.  Leeds has done a great job of creating new Conservation Areas but has been less successful in protecting important details like original windows and doors.   An even bigger challenge is the threat to build yet more new homes in these areas as part of  the Leeds Core Strategy and now in the controversial Site Allocations Plan.’

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas were introduced in England, Wales and Scotland in the Civic Amenities Act 1967 through a private members bill led by Lord Duncan Sandys. When conservation areas legislation was introduced there was widespread public concern over the pace of redevelopment in our historic towns and cities. Today there are over 10,000 conservation areas in the UK (approximately 9,300 in England, 500 in Wales, 650 in Scotland and 60 in Northern Ireland) reflecting the popularity of this legislative tool in identifying and protecting our most valued historic places.

Conservation area designation essentially controls the demolition of unlisted buildings over a certain size and works to protect trees, restricts permitted development rights on dwelling houses and tightens regulations on advertising. It also places a statutory duty on local planning authorities to pay special attention to preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of conservation areas while undertaking their planning duties.